
A Higher Definition of Rewards

  • Exclusive Offers
    Access hundreds of offers with your favourite local & global brands
  • Unlimited Rewards
    Earn more on everyday spending with up to 30% back in points
  • Access Bonus Points
    Receive bonus rewards on first time and milestone purchases
  • Flexible Redemption
    Redeem your points on any transaction or as cashback towards your balance

More rewards, wherever life takes you.


More rewards, wherever life takes you.


The ultimate payment experience

Advanced first-to-market features and continuous platform upgrades

  • Receive your virtual card and transact within seconds of approval
  • Access replacement cards in real-time
  • Transact online using your digital card information
  • Add your digital card to your mobile wallet and transact on the go

Brim Open Rewards is a new loyalty platform that is changing the Canadian landscape by opening up how you earn your points and where you can redeem your points. We looked at the existing loyalty structures in Canada today and found that they were too stale, too constrictive, and too unfair. So, we’ve put Canadians back in control of their points.

Brim is the first credit card loyalty program in Canada to allow you to redeem on any purchase at anytime, anywhere that Mastercard is accepted. While other loyalty programs restrict your ability to redeem, whether that’s on very specific travel options, at specific grocery stores, or as cashback at the end of the month or year, Brim does the opposite: Brim allows you to redeem for groceries, travel, a new computer, or even for your morning coffee. You can also redeem your available points as cashback at any time against your statement balance.

You no longer have to choose between a travel card, a grocery card, or a cashback card – it’s all in one.

We’ve put you in control of your points to do with them as you wish.

Brim also opens up how you earn your points. In a traditional loyalty program, you would earn 1.5% or 2% on very specific categories, such as Groceries or Gas, and then 1% on everything else. But what about your morning coffee? Or your lunch spot? Or your annual Netflix subscription? Why aren’t you rewarded for your continued loyalty? Why do you earn the same number of points as the guy who’ll never shop there again?

Brim has said goodbye to stale categories. While you continue to earn your base rate on all of your purchases sometimes we’ll replace it with something even better: you can take advantage of accelerated earn offers the more you shop at participating retailers – restaurants, coffee shops, travel and more. As an example, you could earn 2 points on every $1 spent on your first visit, 4 points for every $1 spent on your third visit, and 10 points for every $1 spent on your 6th visit. You can browse all available offers and track what level of earn you’re at on the Brim Marketplace – in the Brim Portal and App.

Absolutely. Instead of redeeming against a specific transaction, pay your balance directly with your earned and available points. This can be done at any time against your statement balance, not just at year end like traditional cashback platforms. It’s a more convenient and flexible method of cashback – and who doesn’t love that?

Points are earned on a per transaction basis, as long as your account is in good standing. Brim cards have base earns, but what’s unique about the earn rates on our loyalty platform is that you can take advantage of accelerating step up earn offers at participating retailers. The more you shop at their stores, the more the earn rate per dollar spent increases. In essence, it’s rewarding you for your loyalty with merchants that have accelerated earn offers with Brim. All available offers can be viewed in the Brim Marketplace, both in Portal or App.

It’s the bread and butter of Brim Open Rewards! Think of it as an open Marketplace, where retailers are bidding on your business by offering special increased earn offers, accelerated step up offers the more you shop at their stores, and redemption multipliers so that you purchase and subsequently redeem at their stores for significant discounts. Brim Marketplace is fully interactive and allows you to filter and sort by category, location, trending, hot deals, online versus in-store, and so much more. Brim Marketplace will be launching this spring, and will be available both through the Brim Portal and App.

Nope! We do all the heavy lifting 💪. All you need to do is look at the Brim Marketplace for participating merchants and purchase the products or services you’d like with your Brim Card, online or in-store. We’ll capture everything on our side and even notify you by email or in-app notifications of your accelerated earn amount.

No way! Brim Open Rewards is uncapped and unlimited, which means you can continue to take advantage of all the offers available to you in the Brim Marketplace no matter how much you spend on your Brim Card.

Brim was founded on equitable values. No matter which card you have, all Brim members can take advantage of step up accelerator offers and redemption multipliers on the Brim Marketplace. The main difference between the cards is in your base earn value where there are no Brim Marketplace offers. Please see the card comparison chart for details on base earn for the three cards.

You can redeem your points by clicking the “Redeem” button next to your transaction(s) in the Brim Portal. On the Brim App, just swipe left!

A redemption (burn) rate is the dollar amount that you can redeem a single point for. You may have recently heard this term because many Canadian financial institutions are shrinking their burn rate to reduce their outstanding loyalty commitments. This means that your points may have just lost up to 40% of their value! Plus, these notices are often hidden in the tiny fine print – so be sure to ask your financial institution if your points are still worth what they should be worth!

1 point = $0.01 when you redeem your points on a specific purchase and when you redeem your points as cashback towards your statement balance.

Points can be redeemed starting at $1.00 (100 points)! 🎉

Your points won’t expire for as long as your Brim account remains open and in good standing!

1.5% Foreign Transaction Fees

Travel abroad and shop globally with ease!

Whether you're buying online in a different currency or traveling the world, Brim keeps it simple with a low 1.5% foreign transaction fee. Easy and hassle-free!

*For foreign current transaction, the rate will be the exchange rate set by MastercardMD and applied at the time of the conversion, without additional surcharge.

A foreign transaction fee is a surcharge that appears in addition to your foreign exchange rate when you make a purchase in a currency other than Canadian dollars (CAD). This surcharge is on average 2.5% of your purchase price with most other banks and credit cards. With your Brim card, you will only be charged a 1.5% foreign transaction fee on all your purchases when you're travelling abroad or when shopping online.

Credit card issuers often use the exchange rate set by their network, Visa, American Express or Mastercard, and then charge an additional surcharge for using your card in another currency. We don’t do that.

We built our company around transparency and equity. We charge our members 1.5% foreign transaction fee.

The amount you’re being charged for foreign transactions can be found in the disclosure statement of your current credit card as well as on your monthly statement when you make a foreign transaction.

Boingo plane with Wi-FI Banner

Free Global Wi-Fi

Access over 1 million Boingo Wi-Fi hotspots in planes, airports, hotels and cafes around the world. Set up your free account and get started in seconds.

Free Global Wi-Fi offered by

Boingo is an award-winning Wi-Fi service that gets you connected to over 1 million public hotspots worldwide, including airplanes and hotels! Check out http://www.boingo.com/retail/ to learn more.

Being a Brim World Elite member gives you access to Boingo’s Global Wi-Fi offering.

Once you activate your Brim card, you’ll receive an email from us confirming your activation. This email contains a link to brim.boingo.com that will take you to the Boingo website to set up your account.

Signing up for Boingo is super easy and takes under a minute.

1. Go to brim.boingo.com
2. Type in your Brim Card number
3. Create a Boingo username and password
4. Download the Boingo app and find a hotspot

You’ll have free Wi-Fi access on participating airlines, airports, trains, hotels, restaurants and cafes that might have otherwise charged you. Go to http://www.boingo.com/retail/ and type in a city, street, or postal code to find out how you can benefit from a free Boingo account. 📍

We just couldn’t fathom that in 2018, we’re still being charged extraordinary prices for Wi-Fi while flying, at airports or simply traveling outside of Canada. We decided to help address this unnecessary burden for Brim members.

We don’t believe in one-time perks with limits. You’ll have free Boingo Global Wi-Fi for as long as Mastercard and Boingo keep up their great partnership.

Go to http://www.boingo.com/faqs/ to learn more about Boingo’s Global Wi-Fi offering. Still have questions? Please view our Boingo Wi-Fi Access Terms and Conditions document on Brim’s legal page or contact our Member Services team.

Contactless Payments

Upload your card to your preferred mobile wallet and pay contactless for any purchase amount

Family Cards

  • Add additional cardmembers to your Brim account
  • Set and adjust their spending limits in real-time without giving access to your full credit limit
  • Track their spending with instant purchase notifications
  • Lock their card or block foreign or online transactions instantly from your Brim account

Brim’s Family Card allows you to set monthly spending limits for the additional cardmembers on your account. Perfect for monitoring purchasing and promoting smart spending.

You can add an additional cardmember to your account at time of application, activation or anytime thereafter in the Brim Portal or App.

You can set spending limits when you’re activating your Brim Card, or anytime thereafter in the Brim Portal or App. Spending limits can be set once we have created the account in our system, which typically takes a few days after adding an additional cardmember.

To remove a user from your account please contact our Member Services team.

From approval to having the new card in hand, it’ll take about 2-5 business days. ⚡

You’ll be able to see all the purchasing activity of your additional cardmembers in your Portal or App. You can also filter by additional cardmember to track purchasing an individual level. If you prefer to track their spending real-time, you can also set up purchase notifications via email or mobile push notification.

If you don’t set a spending limit, your additional cardmember’s card will act like a regular authorized user’s credit card. You can still take advantage of other Brim offerings like real-time purchase notifications.

All you have to do is pay your balance. Your outstanding balance reflects the sum of all transactions made with Brim cards tied to your account. If you set a monthly spending limit and one or more of your additional cardmembers require a higher limit, you can easily adjust their monthly limit in the Brim Portal or App.

1. Log in to your account on the Brim Portal or App
2. Visit the “My Account” page and select “My Cards”
3. Make your changes! 👍

Yes! All points earned accumulate to the primary cardmember’s account. Only the primary cardmember can redeem points.

Additional Cardmembers can enjoy a number of Brim perks. They have access to the Brim Portal and App, where they can easily track their monthly spend, set budget limits and have full access to the Brim Marketplace. They can also enjoy no foreign transaction fees on purchases made in another currency, in-store or online, and have access to free Boingo Global Wi-Fi.

Additional Cardmembers are unable to make redemptions or set up installments.

Flexible Payments

Pay on your own terms with embedded Installment Pay. Set up smaller monthly payments in seconds. Available on any purchase over $500 made anywhere in the world. Set up installments instantly online or in-app and free up access to available credit.

Installment options:

  • 12 months
  • 16 months
  • 20 months
  • 24 months

*The One-time Installment Fee covers the entire Installment Plan Term and is payable in the first month. A monthly processing fee of $4.75 per $1,000 will apply (equivalent to 0.475% of the purchase price charged monthly).

0% interest
One-time installment fee*
New Furniture
Next Vacation
Wedding Day

*The One-time Installment Fee covers the entire Installment Plan Term and is payable in the first month. A monthly processing fee of $4.75 per $1,000 will apply (equivalent to 0.475% of the purchase price charged monthly).

Brim’s Installment Pay is a truly unique feature that allows you to divide purchases over $500 into smaller monthly payments – making it easier for you to manage bigger purchases when you need to.

Whereas traditional installment programs require you to fill in lengthy applications at the point of sale in their stores, Brim’s Installment Pay is fully embedded in our Portal and App, which means you can install your purchases from wherever you are.

Did we mention that it can also free up your available credit? Please see Brim’s Cardmember agreement and disclosure statement for eligibility and all terms and conditions.

Nope! Brim charges 0% interest. Instead, Brim charges a fixed installment fee up front. This fixed installment fee is 7% of the overall purchase price and is added to your first statement. Your monthly payments thereafter are simply the original purchase price divided by the number of months you have chosen to install over, plus a small monthly processing fee of 0.475% of the original purchase price.

Brim’s Installment Pay is done completely online or in-App, making it incredibly easy to use from wherever you are. It also bypasses lengthy applications at the merchant’s checkout. Simply select an eligible transaction under the Installments tab, choose a duration that’s right for you and install!

You can install any eligible purchase you make that is over $500. It doesn’t matter if you made this purchase in-store or online, as we’ve embedded our installment program directly into your Portal or App. You cannot install restaurant, grocery, or liquor purchases.

Brim will be offering discounted or no fixed installment fees at participating retailers. All installment offers are also viewable in Brim’s Marketplace on the Portal and App.

Your monthly installment(s) payment and processing fee will show up in your monthly statement and will be reflected in your minimum payment for that billing cycle.

Absolutely! You will earn all your points on the original purchase price.

Our Installment Pay plans range from 12 to 24 months. You choose what works best for you!

Yes! You can call Brim’s Member Services at 1 886 305 2746 to cancel your installment plan.

Using Installment Pay opens up your credit available so you’re able to continue to spend on your Brim Card. After you set up your installment plan, your available credit will free up and will be decreased only by your monthly installment amount and the fixed installment fee.

Brim’s Installment Pay program is not available in Quebec. We are working on it!

Own your security

Instantly lock your card and block online or foreign transactions. Unlock your card when you're ready to make a purchase again!

All in real-time. You're in control.

Brim lock toggle 1
Brim lock toggle 2
Brim lock toggle 3
Brim purchase notification

Real-time purchase notifications

Know the moment your card is used to make a purchase. Never be left wondering if your card is being used fraudulently.

We’ve got you covered

An outline of an iPhone

Mobile Device

Protection for your mobile devices in the event of loss, theft or accidental damage.

 An outline of a ticket

Event Ticket

Sporting, theatre, or concert tickets – reimbursement of the non-refundable portion if you have to cancel for a covered reason.

An outline of a heart with a Band-Aid

Common Carrier
Accident Insurance

Extra protection for you and your loved ones when you’re travelling.

All insurances are offered by RSA logo

Please refer to Brim’s card comparison chart for brief descriptions on the insurances offered by Brim. Further insurance details can be found in the Insurance Certificates and the Insurance Footnotes documents, found under the Brim legal page: https://brimfinancial.com/legal/.

Please call Brim’s insurance partner RSA at 1-833-429-2746 for any questions related to Brim’s insurance benefits.

Budgeting and tracking

Support your financial goals with easy to use and transparent tracking tools. Track spending month to month and be notified if you are approaching or exceeding spend limits.

Brim 360 Budget Tracker on iPhone and tablet

Pay your balance, your way, with Brim. The following options are accessible through the Brim Portal or App, under “Make a Payment”.

1. Interac Online

Payments made using Interac Online through our web portal are posted in real-time, giving you instant access to your available credit.

If you have both an Interac and Visa Debit or Debit Mastercard logo on your debit card, please use Interac e-Transfer or go through your financial institution to make a payment, as this method is currently unavailable for these card types.

2. Online Banking

We currently accept payments from all major Canadian financial institutions. Simply add Brim Financial as your bill payee.

Payments made through Bill Payment generally take between 2 – 3 business days before it is reflected in your account.

3. Cashback

You can use your earned points as cashback to pay down your balance at any time. Simply enter the amount of points you want to redeem as cashback and it will be reflected in real-time in your Brim account.

4. Mail

Cheques sent by mail can take between 5 and 10 business days and will give you access to your available credit after your payment is received and processed.

Please Note: if normal postage service is disrupted, you still have to make your payment on time.

Simply go to Brim’s Budget page in the Brim Portal or App. Using Brim’s My Spend, you can track your daily spending habits on a monthly basis. This makes it very easy to understand how much you have spent this month relative to previous months.

When you first go to the My Budget tab, you’ll be prompted to set monthly spending limits for your overall account or in specific categories. We will then notify you as you approach your limit so you can adapt your spending habits to meet your budget goals. You can always edit your customized budget through the Brim Portal or App.

Let's get started

Choose the card that's right for you


$0 Annual Fee
Earn 1 point for every $2 spent
  • Brim Rewards
  • 1.5% Foreign Transaction Fees
  • Free Global Wi-Fi
Get Brim

Brim World Elite

$89 Annual Fee
Earn 1 point for every $1 spent
  • All Brim Standard features, plus:
  • + Premium Insurances
  • + Trip Cancellation Insurance
  • + Trip Interruption Insurance
Get Brim